Frank Goodwill San Antonio

Despair to Redemption: Frank’s Journey of Hope

Resilience often emerges from the most unexpected places. Frank's story embodies this truth—it is woven with perseverance and transformation, highlighted with the steadfast support of Goodwill San Antonio.

Originally from New York, Frank's path meandered through Florida before settling in San Antonio, Texas. Despite once owning multiple properties and engaging in real estate ventures, the shadows of childhood trauma and addiction veiled his aspirations. Methamphetamine addiction stripped him of everything he held dear, ultimately leading to a nine-year prison sentence. Frank had hit rock-bottom. He knew he had to get a grip of his life before it was too late.

Within the confines of incarceration, Frank achieved years of sobriety, fueled by faith and introspection. Upon his release, the daunting task of rebuilding his life loomed large. During his stay at Crosspoint Residential Reentry Center, Goodwill San Antonio emerged as a guiding light, offering Frank assistance, resources, and hope.

Through Goodwill's Reentry Services, Frank discovered a community that believed in his potential. He enrolled in the Construction/OSHA 10-Hour/Forklift Certification Program, earning industry-recognized certifications and developing valuable career skills. The program's instructors were more than educators to him; they were mentors, igniting sparks of determination within Frank's spirit.

With Goodwill's guidance, Frank secured meaningful employment at Avanzar Interiors Technologies, a key supplier for Toyota Motor Manufacturing. Beyond job placement, Goodwill equipped him with the tools necessary for self-sufficiency, from resume building to necessary work attire. However, it was the intangible support—the sense of belonging and camaraderie—that left the deepest impression on Frank's heart. As he reflects on his transformation, Frank is most grateful for how Goodwill provided him with opportunities that not only altered his circumstances, but also reshaped his perception of self-worth.

Today, Frank oversees his department with pride and purpose. He’s happy to have restored his relationships with his family members and he dreams big, with hopes to get back into real estate and plans to one day open a sober living facility. It’s Frank’s personal mission to pay forward the kindness he has received and illuminate the path for others seeking a fresh start. He credits Goodwill San Antonio for the upward trajectory that his life has taken and

wants others to know that even in the depths of despair, there is help and hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Every year, Goodwill’s Reentry Services help hundreds of justice-involved individuals rebuild their lives and contribute meaningfully to society. If you or someone you care about would like to learn more about Goodwill’s Reentry Services as well as other mission offerings, visit